I took a stroll out into the garden yesterday. I wanted to see if there is still any activity after all the cold days we've had. There is still much to enjoy. My hydrangea bush is fading to the warm colors of the trees behind it.
The rose is still as breathtaking as it was this summer, only in a more mellow way. Some of the flowers have started to dry but it is still blooming. I just love it!
The fall toad lily is in full swing. They have multiplied all over the flower beds. If you click on the picture, you can see their exquisite design.
The shrub rose is still producing new blooms and seems to grow taller every day. The once twelve inch container is now almost five feet tall.
As long as we don't get a frost, the blooms will continue to open. The hostas have faded back to the earth, some a bright yellow like the trees. I can sense the anticipation in this little bud, will I come out? Or will it be to cold to unfold?
Always hardy are the mums. My neighbor surprises me every year with a potted mum. It is such a nice surprise to find one sitting so prettily by my fence. Such a simple and beautiful gesture.
This is the one remaining lavender blossom for the season. I can't decide if I should cut it and dry it or leave it attached to it's life source. For now, I'll leave it and let it take it's own sweet time to enjoy the last few days of warmth and sunshine this season.