The t.v., the radio, the people at the grocery store, everyone keeps saying that it's going to snow today. I put my fingers in my ears and say "la, la, la, la, la!" every time someone starts. I will sit on my porch in defiance (in a parka, boots and hat, no doubt) until it passes. Michigan weather, UGH! I thought you might like an update on Mr. Max (Maximus Prime, as my son and his friends call him). He goes in Monday for his big weigh-in and yes, the vet thinks he just might be the winner of their biggest loser program!
I think he looks thinner. He tries to climb on the counters and get extra food so the diet food is doing something although we have to remember to not walk away with any food in our hands...ouch.
Max just turned nine this past week. He went to the groomer and got this rather dapper bandana for St. Patrick's Day. I'm standing on the porch taking these pictures while he watches all the joggers, dog walkers and Mom's with strollers go through the neighborhood dozens of times before the
snow rain sets in. Besides the Max update, I wanted to share another quilt with you. I had a wonderful visit with my dear Mother-in-love, Martha and her friend, Martha this week. I was able to give her the t-shirt quilt I made for her.
She has backpacked and camped in so many places in the past few years and she thought her t-shirts would make a wonderful keepsake and record of the trips she has taken. She plans on hanging it on the wall in her bedroom. I am thrilled that she liked it so much. It is one of the most meaningful quilts I have ever made and it made me happy to see the joy on her face.
I have just taken orders for three more t-shirt quilts and I have got to get myself organized and producing. It certainly is hard when there is so much I want to sew for myself. I hope you all have a blessed Saturday. Take time to go outside and enjoy your sunshine for me!