We had quite the thunderstorm last night. I stayed up late enjoying the flash of lightening and the following roll of thunder, so glad that it wasn't snow. Today the grass is greener and I can hear the birds chirping in the flowering trees. I'm so thankful for spring and the hope and promise it brings.
I was so pleased to receive a pink envelope in the mail yesterday all the way from the UK. I finally decided after months and months of wrestling with myself to give in and buy the Tilda Quilt Collection that I've had my eye on. What was holding me back was my imagined cost of shipping. When it came right down to it, eight 1/4 yd. cuts and one 1/2 yd. cut with shipping from the UK cost me $34.95. I didn't think that was extravagant at all. I have had some favorite lines that I love and this one is no exception. We need to figure out what how to get Tilda fabric in the states. For now I'm so glad it's available on Etsy, thanks to Caroline of
Love to Sew and a handful of other ladies.
Yesterday on a bit of shopping with my son I purchased the most beautiful tea. The name is Summer Bouquet and is a blend of chamomile flowers, rosebuds, cornflowers and orange peel. Made with a spoon of wild blueberry sugar and a bit of milk, it makes the prettiest shade of lavender grey. The tea looks as if it was made to go with Tilda fabric.
I am so thankful Whole Foods was offering these beautiful peonies and tulips. The flower beds at this new house only produced the five daffodils. I am hoping to transplant some flowers from my mothers beautiful garden so that I can be surrounded again by flowers. I'm forcing myself to resist the urge to make a trip to my old home to see my garden, knowing it wouldn't make me feel any better. I hope the flowers there are blessing the new owner.
Have a lovely day!
"The grass withers and the flower fades but
the Word of our God stands forever."
Isaiah 40:8