I took a step out into the garden this morning to take stock of what transpired during the night. The garden in spring is just filled with surprise.
This Clemantis is always a show stopper. This is it's third year in bloom and it is heavey laden with blossoms this year.
There is a Mama Cardinal sitting on a nest just above this birdbath. She has found a place in the red climbing rose that grows next to the Clemantis. I will try to get a picture once the baby is born. She's not happy with my presence, to say the least.
This ladder will soon be covered with Sweet Pea vine which is about a foot off the ground today. The plant comes back every year with the most beautiful pink flowers. In the meantime, I can enjoy the Foxglove in all it's glory.
My friend, Debbie gave me this lamb for my birthday a couple of years ago and I just love it. It always makes me stop and think of the Lamb of God. It greets me going in and coming out of the garden, an ever present reminder of the One who created it all. Blessings!