Sunday, September 30, 2012

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Pin Pick Saturday

I needed to turn in early last night.  Two big weddings this weekend.  I laid there wide awake listening to the sounds of the above animal scratching and clawing along the side of the house by my bedroom for what seemed like eternity.  I hope it's not inside the siding.  Oh heavens, there's never a dull moment.  Blessings!


Thursday, September 27, 2012

Mother & Son

Such a busy week getting ready for the wedding.  I wanted to do something special for my friend, Debbie who's son is the groom.  I found a vintage makeup compact on Etsy. I carefully took out what remained of the pressed powder.  I borrowed a favorite picture of my friend with her son as a toddler. I printed the picture on to printable fabric and pulled some of my favorite Lecien fabric for the frame. A little batting, some card stock and glue and it was all set.  A pretty hankie to dry a happy tear and a little mirror to check her makeup~all set.  A special gift for a very special friend!


Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rowing Along 3

Today I got a chance to complete row three of Lori's Row Along.  It's a cute little zig zag row.  It was fun putting it together.  I'm really liking how the quilt is coming along.  I hope you are having a good day!


Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Country Road

Slowly I am making my way through my sewing "to do" list.  Up next is the quilt "Country Road" found in the book, "Weekend" by Blackbird Designs.  This quilt is for my Sis in Love, Ellen.  It's because I love her so much that I'm willing to cut out 500 3 1/2" squares and 400 3 7/8" squares.  Yes, you read that right.  This fabric, also by Blackbird Designs, is just dreamy.  That's a good thing since I'll be cutting a lot of it!

We have an important wedding reception at the farm this weekend.  A dear friend's son is getting married.  I get to be a guest and an employee.  I can hardly wait.  It will be the last reception at the farm before shutting down the wedding business.  I made this banner yesterday for the bridal table. Have a good day, friends!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pin Pick Saturday

There's a thunderstorm going on outside, I've got the Pioneer Woman cooking on t.v. and I'm pinning on Pinterest while having coffee.  Perfect multitasking.  Now if I could just get someone to cook me breakfast!  I thought I would start something new for Saturday's on my blog.  I'm going to be sharing something I like from Pinterest.  There's so many wonderful ideas on the site.  I'm loving this variation on a Drunkard's Path quilt block.  Such an interesting name, said to be linked historically to the Women's Christian Temperance Movement.  I have not made this block yet, but I'm intrigued.  Have a wonderful, Saturday!


Thursday, September 20, 2012

Little Scraps

I wanted to make a birthday present for a friend and I sat in my sewing room staring at my little scrap basket (little because I gave all my scraps away in one of the giveaways).  As I pulled each scrap out an idea came to mind, I would just start sewing and see where the shape took me.  It took me to a table runner in all it's sweet, sugary goodness.  You never know what will come of a basket of scraps.  Try it!  


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Book Love

Yesterday's trip to Barnes and Noble didn't leave me empty handed.  I have been looking for the book, "Adornments" because my niece is getting married next month.  The other two books I had read about and are just wonderful!  If you're off to the bookstore, take a look!  Blessings!


Monday, September 17, 2012

Darling Butterflies

Hi friends!  Oh my, was I an absent blogger last week.  I'm still trying to find a routine with school back in session.  We had a busy week at the farm resulting in a lovely wedding on Saturday.  I managed to piece the next row of Lori's row along over the course of a few days.  I love this row.  I have a feeling I am going to say that about every row.  This one is darling butterflies. If I was a real photographer I could find a better way to photograph a long stretch of fabric. But since I'm not, here it is hanging from a floor lamp!  The butterfly block was a good remember that patience and faith in the Lord will produce beauty in His timing.

Sweet blessings,

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sacred Beginnings

Saturday found us hosting two weddings at the farm.  It was a beautiful, sunny, breezy day.

I never grow tired of this.  Each wedding is unique and every bride is beautiful.

Such detail, such depth of color.  Not one thing overlooked.  All the pieces come together.

Each bride is nervous, each groom looks anxious.  I stand there snapping photos,  looking at each face.

The wedding is just the beginning.  What will they remember of this special day, years from now?

What a privilege it is for us to be a part of these sacred beginnings.  Blessings to our newlyweds!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Pretty Pinkeep

I had a very nice surprise the other day.  I stopped in at the cafe to see Shann.  She is the person who makes the delicious treats shown below.  She had a present for me from her sister, Ali.  If I remember correctly I squealed and did a little happy dance in the kitchen.  Not sure what the other kitchen staff thought of that!  Isn't it adorable?  It's made with one of my favorite lines of fabric, "Fly a Kite" by October Afternoon for Riley Blake.  Thank you so much Ali!

Yes, it was as good as it looks!
(I think soup, coffee and cupcake make a fine lunch!)

Have a blessed day!


Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sunday Scripture

"Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right,
whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable~
if anything is excellent or praiseworthy~
think about such things."

Phil. 4:8

With love,

Friday, September 7, 2012

Long Distance Hug

I found a box on my porch the other day from my dear friend, Trish.  She sent me the most amazing afghan that she crocheted herself.  After wiping the tears from my cheeks, I promptly wrapped myself up in it.  I've been struggling with some changes in my life regarding the move and she wanted to send a tangible expression of love, concern and comfort.  What makes this even more amazing is that we have not met in person.  Our friendship was found through Jesus and blogging.  I have many friends I have met that way.  It is one of the true blessings of blogging.  Because I am a crafty soul, I know how long this took and the enormity of the gift.  I do not take this for granted (her stitches are exquisite, by the way).  The other day I found my 21 year old son wrapped in it, asleep in the chair.  He was leaving for college the next day.  It brought comfort to another.  Thank you so much Trish!

I bought a new phone and was playing around with a photo application.  This is me getting ready to go out to dinner with my husband.  The Iphone is amazing and much easier than I imagined!

The winner of the September Giveaway is Renee from
Congratulations!  I have sent you an email ~

Have a blessed Friday,

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Sweet Autumn Clemantis

It is one of my favorite times of the year ~
the fall Clemantis is in bloom.

It's putting on quite a show right now.
I'd like to think that it's aware of the impending move
and is gifting me with this splendid display one last time.

I'm not the only one enjoying it, the bees are making quite a buzz.
Check out the pollen attached to this little guy.
They didn't even notice me, too bent on their task.

One more day to sign up for the giveaway ~


Monday, September 3, 2012

September Giveaway!

Its time again for our monthly giveaway!  This month I'm thinking of cooler days, apple-picking, cider and bonfires.  What better way to enjoy these days than with a fall-colored comfy quilt?  One winner will receive:
The book, "Simple Comforts" by Kim Diehl
All fabrics to make the quilt on the cover of the book
Fabric is cut and ready to be sewn~
Fabric includes black print binding and cream/green paisley backing
All you need to provide is thread and batting!

To Enter:
Leave one comment on this post
Be a follower of Sewn With Grace
Giveaway closes on Thursday, September 6 at midnight
Winner will be chosen by Random Generator and
announced Friday, September 7

I hope you are having a fun holiday!  School starts for us tomorrow.  Maddie begins her senior year of high school and Taylor begins his senior year of college.  Lots of excitement at my house this weekend getting ready.  Blessings!


Sunday, September 2, 2012