Monday, March 1, 2010

The Winner Is....

"Friendship is born at that moment when one
person says to another, "What!  You too?
I thought I was the only one."
C.S. Lewis

Drum roll please......

True Random Number Generator15

The winner of the giveaway is Bridget!!!
Bridget said, "Congratulations on your 100th post. I have lots to be thankful for, my family, my friends and my health."
Bridget, please email me your address so that I can get your goodies out to you!  Thank you again to everyone who left a comment during the giveaway.  I was truly humbled and blessed by all of your kind words.  I find myself rereading the comments and getting teary-eyed by the end.  I look forward to getting to know each of you.  What fun this has been!  May you be blessed today as you have blessed me...

With love,


  1. Congratulations, Bridget! Looking forward to reading along with you, too, Renee! pokey

  2. Congratulations Bridget. Renee, I love the graphic and the quote you have used! Told you I would be back (ha ha) Jenny

  3. Congrat's Bridget! Enjoy your great prizes~ thanks for the giveaway chance Renee! :)

  4. Pinch me- pinch me. I am sooo lucky. Thank you very much. Bridget

  5. Congratulations to Bridget! I love today's quote.

  6. Congratulations, Bridget. Enjoy your goodies. Great giveaway, Renee. Love the picture and quote above. This blogging thing is a great ride...

  7. Congratulations Bridget! :o) What beautiful goodies you have there! Thank you again Renee for hosting a sweet give a way.
    Sincerely ~ Tricia

  8. i love your c s lewis quote. adore him!

    this is such a pretty blog. thanks for letting
    us visit.



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