Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday Pretties

Snow melting.  Sunshine.  A hint of Spring in the damp cold.  This is my Friday Pretty.  Slender green shoots straining out of the earth through the dead leaves of last fall.  A message from God today that there is always something going on even when we can't see it.  After a long winter, after a long season, He is still at work growing something good outdoors, as well as, inside us.  I was reminded of this verse:

"As long as the earth endures,
seedtime and harvest,
cold and heat,
summer and winter,
day and night
will never cease."
Genesis 8:22

The forecast predicts more snow, but I will hold on to what is coming and marvel at what is going on under it all.  Blessings!

For more Friday Pretties
visit Joyce at
With joy,


  1. well that is just as pretty as it gets!
    thank you!!

  2. I love that spring is on it's way, I am so ready :) Happy Friday to you my friend ~ xoxo

  3. I have growing green things in my garden, too. It's such a thrill to see!

  4. Please tell me those bulbs are coming up in your yard!!!! If so...Spring really might come here after all. :)

  5. Amen Renee. :o)
    What a beautiful sight. Everything looks so dead here and yet so much lingers deep with in the roots and in only a few months, the trees and bushes will be full of life ... that we can see. :o)
    Have a wonderful weekend my friend!
    Sincerely, Trish

  6. I love your beautiful reminders here. I know our good Lord works behind the scenes...we need to have faith and believe in that fact!
    I hope you are feeling better, and enjoying the beautiful white snow..:)

    xoxo Gloria
    p.s. your daughter's vintage dresses are adorable too!!

  7. I noticed my snowdrops were out and my primroses are blooming...yes Please bring on pretty. xoxo

  8. What a wonderful Friday Pretty..we have 80 degrees today and my little one and I went to the plant store and looked at the bulbs that were peaking their way through the soil...letting him and I both enjoy the thoughts of spring

  9. It's been warmer here and there are all kinds of green leaves coming up. I love spring.

    Loved your Friday pretties.

  10. A BEAUTIFUL sight! I need to go check my garden (now that I can actually see the ground!) and see if anything is happening out there!

  11. Just love seeing those first little green beauties. Your verse says it all. Fits my life right now perfectly too.

  12. That's the kind of "pretty" I love to see. Snow coming here tonight...lots of it.

    Enjoy the green blades.


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