Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Today is a bittersweet day for me.  I'll be moving my son back to college.  He's ready but I'm still dragging my feet.

I'm just not able to part with this smile yet!



  1. Well, . . . I guess you can find a blessing in that it's not the other way around. . .! (You wanting him to go off to college & he not wanting to.) The 'fledging the nest' period is always such a mix of feelings, but the blessing are there.
    (. . . & I agree - he is a cutie!)
    xo, Bren

  2. I wish him well. My youngest just started college two weeks ago, but he is commuting right now. Maybe in four years I will be writing this same post :-(

  3. To show how you want to keep close to your son, you could always move your sewing into his room at home....lol... ;) Best wishes and Happy crafting, Jenny

  4. Dearest Renee.
    I have thought so much about you!
    It is such a bittersweet day to see our children flying with wings of their own.
    Big hugs!

  5. I hear you friend. I took youngest daughter back Monday. Missed her the moment she gently pushed me toward the car.


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