Thursday, December 2, 2010

A Full Heart

First snowfalls are always iffy.  We tend to forget how to drive in the snow when we haven't done it in a few months.  The drive to deliver the cake went well, it was the drive home that about did me in.  Somewhere along the way there must have been an accident because I crawled along the highway at 5 mph for a good hour, in a snow storm, in the dark.  I have to tell you though, I would do it again just to see his face light up.  This picture was taken when his friends were singing to him.  I am so proud of the man he is becoming.  My heart is just not big enough to hold the love I have for him, so I'll place this love in God's hands and be forever grateful that he chose me to be Taylor's Mom.

With joy,


  1. So sweet..what a great mom you are!

    That cake looks amazing!

    Thank you for your sweet comments conerning Molly...we will miss her sooo much this Christmas. Happy December my sweet friend. xoxoxo

  2. What a beautiful cake, and such a fantastic photo of your son!

    Glad you got home safely too,
    love, Tina xx

  3. What a wonderful way to express your love; this post is so good.

  4. That is just the sweetest picture!! What a happy smile and I love how the guys all sang to him! :o) Your cake looks well loved. :o)
    So glad you are home safe and your heart is full of deep love. :o)

  5. Happy birthday to your sweet boy! First snow always makes us worry about our driving, so glad it was just a slow crawl that hung you up and not an accident!

  6. Tyler is such a handsome boy. Sweet cake from a sweet mom. Gee those moments are so precious.

  7. How very sweet! & what a handsome young man. Glad that you got back safe & sound... the weather here in W. Mi. is certainly frightful.
    (I still deliver cakes to my adult sons at their work... : )

  8. That is just the sweetest picture! And the boys sang to him?? WOW! What a good group of kids! I bet he was so happy to see his mama and eat that yummy birthday cake. So thankful you made it home safe and sound. The roads were not good at all! :(

  9. Such a handsome young man.
    A cake and a visit from Mom and your buddies singing Happy Birthday. Doesn't get much better than that when you are living away from home.
    Love those baseball candles.
    Cake looks yummy too.
    Glad you made it home safely.

  10. this is so so sweet! glad you were safe on the roads. :)

  11. I love your blog . I will add it to my goggle reader. I hope you have a lovely Holiday season.


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