Thursday, February 25, 2010

100th Post Giveaway!!!

Today marks my 100th post!  I have truly enjoyed my blogging experience.  I've learned so much from you and have met such amazing women.  You have become kindred spirits as we journey together through our days.  I am awe struck at all the possibilities that are available with the click of a button.  I still have a long way to go to master this art form, but I'm excited to learn and grow with all of you!  I would like to thank you for your support by doing a giveaway.   I will be giving the above items to one happy reader:  a reversible tote bag and covered hanger made by little ole' me.  The cutest ever icecream cone timer and the book, "One Simple Act: Discovering the Power of Generosity" by Debbie Macomber, with a handmade book mark.  The guidelines are simple, because I'm simple:

1.  You need to be a follower of Sewn With Grace.

2.  Leave one comment on this post telling me what you are thankful for.

That's it, nice and simple.  The giveaway will end Sunday, Feb. 28th.  I will announce the winner on Monday.  I'm looking forward to learning what you are thankful for.

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good.
His love endures forever.
Psalm 136:1

I'm thankful for you today,


  1. What a cute giveaway. I'm following with great excitement! And while sounding a little self-focused, I'm really greatful to have a laptop that works (mine died and I just received a replacement laptop).


  2. Great giveaway! Please count me in! I'm really greatful to have a beautiful family!

  3. I follow as rsg. I am thankful for my husband and two sons.

  4. I am thankful first for my Lord and Savior. I am truly blessed with a husband I know was sent me by God. Thank YOU for the great giveaway.

  5. Grace, this is a nice giveaway. I'm glad you are enjoying blogging; it really can be a lot of fun, can't it?

    I'm grateful for my relationship with Jesus and that I can freely serve Him. I love the comfort that my Bible gives. And I love the fellowship I have with other believers. God has richly blessed my life.

    Looking forward to the next 100 posts from you!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Just became a follower. What am I thankful for--A God to bless us!

  8. Good Morning Renee.
    Congratulations on your 100th post!
    I adore your blog - it is one of the first I visit when my computer is turned on. :o)
    I have so much to be thankful for...warm days to remind me that spring is coming, healthy family, solid marriage ... I can't choose just one. :o)
    Have a lovely day.
    Sincerely ~ Trish

  9. New Follower, and I'm thankful for so much! Today, right now, I'm thankful for my wonderful hubbie who works so hard and wants me to be a kept woman to spoil him! lol!!

  10. I'm thankful you stopped by my blog so I could come find yours and follow!

    I'm also very thankful for my wonderful little family and friends - oh and that it is NOT currently snowing!

  11. Congrats on you 100th! wow that seemed so fast! I'm thankful for my wonderful family :)

  12. Oh WOW!!! What an exciting and extravagant give-away! So FUN!!!

    I am thankful for so many things, and not to sound cheesy or anything but, I am thankful for our friendship.
    (My little crafty, Amish-like friend, Yes you.) :)

  13. What a lovely giveaway! I am thankful for so many things. My family, my friends, esp my Lord. Thanks for entering me.

  14. Congrat's on your 100th post. I'm thankful for the many friends I've met thru blogging. :-)

  15. I'm so thankful to have my amazing mother in my life.

  16. Congratulations on your 100th post. I have lots to be thankful for,my family, my friends and my health.

  17. I am so thankful I found your blog. I can't wait to read everything I've missed so far. 99 more to go. And what a beautiful tote bag!

  18. Hi Renee, I can't believe your are at your 100th post already!! I am sooo thankful for big sister . What a gift she is to me . I don't know how I would be getting through this time in our lives without her. And I am thankful for God's grace to carry us through this hardship!

  19. A lovely give away!
    I'm thankful for Grace...He amazes me with it.


  20. Congrats on 100! I'm grateful for my family. THe kids are all grown and living for the Lord and we've been blessed with 8 grandchildren so far....10 by the end of the year (don't tell :)), and possibly an adoption grandbaby to boot! And if I go back to being carnal; I'm grateful for my computer. I love the access to EVERYTHING!...information, inspiration, ideas and eye candy, and family. :)
    freeindeed at myfairpoint dot net

  21. There is soo many things I'm thankful for.
    My son getting married this year to a wonderful girl I am proud to call my future daughter-in-law.Friends like you who are helping with a shower,rehearsal dinner,and anything that needs to be done at the wedding.God for helping me try to lose weight for the wedding and being able to fit into a pretty dress!my 3 girls(dogs) who give me undeserved love ever time I open the door to my home.A wonderful husband who puts up with me as I do my junking with friends.I'll stop there.

  22. I am grateful for the twinkle in my husbands eye when I walk into the room, for the giggle in our grand daughter voice as she chases the puppies, for the young man our grand son has become and for the laughter that fills my home when our children come home for a visit with their children, I am grateful for all my family and friends both near and far and for those that will one day be my friends from here.... what a wonderful world that lives in this little screen on my desk.. stop by for my giveaway...

  23. What I am thankful for:
    The time God gave me to enjoy our firstborn before she passes away just before her 13th birthday. God, family and memories - what's more important?

    We continue to be blessed.

    Yes, I am a follower.

  24. I'm thankful for my incredibly creative, talented, and generous sister in law who writes this blog! (Is that over the top? You didn't say how you were going to pick the winner so I thought over the top flattery might work!) Thank you for venturing out into this wonderful blog adventure. It has become a wonderful part of my daily surfing!

  25. I just became a follower of your blog..everything is very inspirational!

  26. I popped over here from another blog- loved the title of your blog and I am very happy to be included in your giveaway. I am most thankful to God for His blessings! Thanks Be to God!


  27. Nice to meet you, Renee! I've joined in as a follower, it's always nice to meet another 'salty' seamstress and quilter. Col 4:6 "Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt..."

    I am grateful for the blessings of little being much, as there is so many everyday gifts that are easily taken for granted.
    Happy 100!

  28. Great giveaway!
    I'm thankful for sunny days and my health!

    (I'm a follower and of course, you inspire me daily!)

  29. Hi-

    I am so thankful for the world of blogging.
    I feel like I have a world of new friends.
    I just found your blog this morning while drinking my coffee and it is wonderful. I am now a follower!

    Laura @

    White Spray Paint

  30. Hi Renee,
    First, I want to thank you for emailing me about Jodi's blocks or I would have never found your wonderful blog. I've just become a follower. I am most thankful for my amazing husband and 2 teenage daughters. So thankful for all things in my life as well, especially blogging friends I have made along the way.
    Thanks for this chance and congratulations on 100th post!

  31. Hi Renee!
    I'm so glad you popped over! It's so good to meet you. I needed a friend who can sew! Tag you're it!LOL! This is a beautiful giveaway and you are one creative lady.
    I'm thankful for all the wonderful friends I have met through blogging. It is such a blessing to be able to share our hearts and homes with other women all across the world. It really is amazing!

  32. Hi, I've just become a follower although I'm so new to this I have no idea what that means. I'm constructing a blog very slowly but hoping to learn from all the glorious sites such as yours that I see out there.

  33. I am thankful to live in God's grace and I am thankful for my family. Congratulations on your hundredth post, many you have hundreds more.

    Sew long,

  34. Congratulations on your 100th post!

    My husband is in the US Navy and has been in Japan for the past 9 months. Yesterday we received all of the paperwork for me to move to Japan to be with my husband again. I am thankful that I am able to move there with him and within the next month we will be together again! I am so thankful for the Lord giving me this blessing and reuniting me with my husband. It has been a very difficult deployment and it is almost over. Amen.

  35. Congrats Renee!!! I am thankful for my wonderful family and friends who have assisted me in this whole wedding process. It has been so joyful to plan with everyone. I am thankful for Justin and his wonderful hugs and kisses, and look forward to beginning our new journey together. I am blessed!

  36. Great give away!! Congratulations on 100 posts! How exciting!!
    I am thankful that I get to stay home and take care of my family. A true privileged in this hurried world!
    I have become a follower. Thanks for the chance! ♥

  37. Congratulations Renee. I am thankful for my loving family, and for Christian friends, and the certainty that NOTHING can ever separate me from the love of God in Christ my Saviour.
    Lenten Blessings xx

  38. hi my dear :)
    i posted your giveaway on my Giveaway Section!
    and i am Thankful for beautiful new blogger friends like you!!
    God bless!!

  39. I am a new follower. I found you on Free Pretty Things for You :)


    I am thankful that I can serve the Lord by providing free pajamas, toothbrushes, and books to children of low-income families through Operation Sweet Dreams (

  40. I'm a follower
    I'm thankful for being a mama, it has changed my life in for the better in every way. Everyday I am reminded how blessed I am to be where I am today, I would never have guessed five years ago that I would be given the privilege of staying home and caring for the two most wonderful people in the world. I am able to do the things that I love for the people that I love, and that is truly a blessing.

  41. Hi Renee, I have just signed on as a follower having discovered your site. Given distances, I'm commenting because I can, not because of the giveaway. I am thankful for all of our yesterdays as well as tomorrows. My father has vascular dementia and is in aged care. He still recognises us, and some of when we talk about events in the past, but finds it hard to communicate with us. As to your giveaway, I have been talking about Debbie Macomber's books on my last couple of blog posts due to coincidences. Finding one on my first visit to your blog just proves more so that I really do have to read them, and continue to visit your blog! Enjoy your week, Jenny

  42. hey Grace, I am now a new follower...I sew too and have tremendous faith....I am grateful that God brought me to Utah of all places and that I have found love again....I was widowed two years ago among other traumatic things....I knew I was here for a reason, I just didnt know why....I am grateful that God healed my daughters drug problem and that she is a good mom to my little grandkids again.....I raised them for two years by myself...I had given up on her...I am grateful that we are a family doesnt get any better than answered prayers!

  43. oops I called you grace, sorry renee.....Melinda

  44. Hi Renee, I came to your blog from Mary at Neat & Tidy. She is my cousin and dear friend. I am thankful for her and all of my family. They are all so dear to me. I will look forward to looking thru your blog!

  45. Hi Renee, I found your blog while searching for possible sewing web names. I am so glad I did! I love your website!! It inspires my faith and my sewing! It's like a bouquet of flowers for my soul whenever I open your page. Thank you for being you and using your gifts for the Lord! God bless you as you continue!!

  46. I am grateful for the grace and love of God. Everything else that I am thankful for comes from there. Please enter me in your giveaway. I just became a follower. Looking forward to visiting often.

  47. What an amazing giveaway!

    I'm so thankful for my happy, healthy family.


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