Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Touch of Whimsy

I was thinking today about the simple things in life that I enjoy and wanted to share with you one of my favorite things. I love embroidered tea towels. I find them charming with just the right touch of whimsy. In recent years the art of hand stitchery has returned. I think in our busy hectic world, people feel the urge to return to the simplier times. I'm always impressed by those women who took the time to make something so precious for themselves or as a gift for others. I collect towels like this one and often use them. They make me smile when I'm doing the rather mundane tasks in my kitchen. I urge you to try this hobby. I'm reminded a the Bible verse in Proverbs 31:13. "She selects wool and flax and works with eager hands." Very fulfilling.

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