Tuesday, February 19, 2013


Hi friends!  The next vintage quilt is a throw-size beauty.  Little blue baskets surrounded by the most fabulous hand quilting.  Notice the unusual arrangement.  There are six rows of baskets but they face each other.  I have not seen this before!

Looking closer I found one block that is different from the others, can you see it?  It was common in Amish quilting to purposefully place a mistake in the quilt thus acknowledging that the Lord is the only perfect one.  Most of us would agree that we don't have to "purposefully" put a mistake in, they happen on their own!  I do like the whimsy of the block in a quilt with rather precise points.

How wonderful to find a name on the back of this quilt, Enid Burrows.  Well, Enid, you did a fantastic job!  For those of you who asked about the vintage textile soak, go here.  I can personally say that it works wonders on vintage quilts.  All the yellowing and spots came out of these quilts.



  1. I pinned a couple of basket quilts the other day that were facing each like this one, I thought it rather unusual also! I love this quilt!



  3. Such a lovely quilt....all that hand sewing always amazes me. It takes hours and hours just to hand sew the binding on my quilts. I love the basket design it so pretty. I love seeing all the vintage quilts.
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  4. Oh I am so loving seeing these beautiful vintage quilts! How interesting regarding the deliberate mistakes - I love that.
    Happy Tuesday,

  5. Thanks for sharing these, I was not aware of the single flaw in their work, that is really interesting I will have to look closer when I come across an Amish quilt. I have a couple of really neat quilts, one made by my aunt by a"coal oil" lamp circa late 20s, the other also late 20s made by local church ladies they embroideried the date and their names on to it . I'd love to donate it locally but can't find a museum to accept it ! I will post the pics one day and let you know. Thx again, Elaine

  6. These vintage quilts are just wonderful! I really love the blue and white and little baskets on this one

  7. Oh. . . I am so loving these! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! xo, Bren

  8. Yesterday I learned this arrangement made the quilt hang correctly to the sites of a single bed. It is verf beautiful.

  9. Love the baskets, I bought a framed picture of one block like those. I also have used the same textile soak on old crocheted (sp) collars, neck line borders, etc. it removed all old/age yellow stains. Wonderful product.....


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