Sunday, May 23, 2010

Sunday Scripture

Then Jesus cried out, "When a man believes in me,
he does not believe in me only, but in the one who 
sent me.  When he looks at me, he sees the one who
sent me.  I have come into the world as a light,
so that no one who believes in me should stay in
darkness."  John 12: 44-46

Have a joyfilled Sunday!


  1. Lovely post, Renee. Thank you. enjoy your day, Jenny

  2. That Photo is amazing !!! may i use it on my blog ?? please let me know???

    Happy sunny day Praise the Lord.........!!

    Blessings Ria

  3. What a beautiful photo Renee and so fitting. Have a wonderful and blessed Sunday.

  4. Beautiful post, Renee! The photo is gorgeous!

  5. Love this...but was blessed by the song which came on...Put the Shackles off my feet so I can DANCE!!!
    My son went to Africa for a month and when he came back they put his missionary trip video to this song...but it also has special means to me...I love to dance before the Lord and need to be reminded to take the shackles off my feet.
    You blessed me this Sunday,

  6. That photo is so pretty! Did you take it?!!

    Love that scripture too!! :)


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