Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Dont' You Just Love...

Don't you just love pretty fabrics, quilts you've made, mixed with quilts made by those you cherish, and a doll that brings back memories of the Grandma who gave it to you?
Don't you just love the sweet reminder of friendship and the joy that each person brings to your life?
Don't you just love an unexpected gift (Joyce) and a brand new magazine that speaks your language?
Don't you just love the discovery of something that you adore and had tucked away?
Don't you just love your creative friends (Char) and the wonderful gifts they make you from their heart?
Don't you just love taking a class and learning something new, and the reminder that we're never too old to learn?
Don't you just love finding a treasure?  Especially when it matches the dessert set that you inherited from your Grandma?  And then...
discovering an invitation inside to an event that you can only dream about?  Then pondering what they were wearing and talking about when you were four years old?
Don't you just love the guilty look on your big, furry friends face when he's are caught doing something he knows is wrong?

Wishing we could all sit together with cup in hand and talk about those things we just love today...

With joy,


  1. A lovely, lovely post. I just love the button box and the painting from your friend!!
    You are really getting to me with visions of quilts....I'm afraid I will have to try making one.....!

  2. Wow! Just scrolling through and looking at your pictures is such a treat! Thank you for stopping by my blog today.


  3. I just love coming to your blog and feeling so soothed. And I would just love to sit and share a cup of tea or coffee with you.

  4. Memories, aww, memories... one can never have enough. Finest fabrics are so so welcome, always.... I totally agree.

    Have a wonderful evening, Renee!

  5. Just stopping by to thank you for visiting me on my SITS day and leaving some blog love!


  6. I LOVE your new Blog Makeover!!! Very pretty. :)
    Your pictures are very beautiful and interesting too!

  7. I love the new wallpaper and all....

    You make everything look so peaceful and calm....

  8. What a fun post...love the quilts and the Raggedy Ann doll together...reminds me of my own Raggedy Ann made by my great aunt!


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